Bringing music to life means painting pictures in the listeners mind.
It’s my goal to compose music that will support creators pictures. Music that is hand tailored for the project to bring it on a new level of emotion, creativity and excellence. For your project to truly stand out because of the seamless integration of picture and music.
About me
Jonas Grauer is a munich based composer who has worked with several directors/producers across a wide variety of film genres, ranging from short documentary to full length narrative film. Among them “Way You Die”(2014), “In Our Country”(2016), “Christ in You” (2017) and the world’s first action movie without a single cut “One Shot Left” (2017). Apart from soundtracks he also writes trailer music and is now actively working for companies such as „TrailerBros“, „Evolving Sound“ and the „Short Story Collective“.
If you want to know how Jonas can work for you, keep scrolling to learn more about the art of painting with music.
The art of visual is music.
Just as pictures and videos, music catches people’s attention. Did you ever get goosebumps while watching a movie? Have you tried watching that same scene on mute? Whether it’s a story of love, adventure, fear or epic heroism, it’s the music that delivers the emotion.
Drop me a line
Feel free to fill the form below and I will contact you shortly.
Music is alive
I am constantly composing new music and releasing pieces regularly. If you want to follow along with what I create, don’t forget to check back here regularly.
You can also just follow me on social media and get notified easily whenever I release something new again. Make sure to check out my pages.
„Mortal Engines“ Final Trailer
A placement in a big trailer was something that I’ve actually been waiting for and I’m really happy that I could see it happen so quickly! Even though my music only makes up 15 seconds of the trailer, it’s a wish come true!

More trailer albums coming soon
During the last months i worked a lot on tracks for evolvingsound. They will be releasing two exciting new albums to which i contributed tracks. Pianoscapes focuses on piano-based trailer music and Flights of Fantasy contains full orchestral epic, rousing fantasy trailer tracks. I am glad to be part of these two very promising albums!
Stay tuned!

„The Flash“ Relauch Trailer
In June I got noticed that NBC UK featured one of my tracks in their relaunch for the Flash on their SYFY channel in the middle east. Needless to tell i was very excited, because I watched the series before and now hearing the trailer with my music underneath was kind of surreal. The full track, „Replicant“ is available on the evolvingsound homepage.

„Operation Finale“ Trailer
I’m very excited to announce that my music was featured in one of the trailers for the upcoming movie „Operation Finale“ with Oscar Isaac and Ben Kingsley. The track that was used for this trailer is available in full length on the evolvingsound homepage.
Watch the trailer below.